
We are flexible and know the processes in and around the lab from the inside out. Whether you are looking for advice on, guidance with or development of your lab: we tailor our services entirely to your needs. Before each project, we formulate clear objectives together with you and know what result we can achieve.

First contact

In our first contact, we take ample time to thoroughly discuss the context of the potential assignment so that we have a good understanding of your needs and objectives. We then prepare a tailor-made assignment proposal. This proposal includes a detailed description of the assignment, including all relevant aspects such as scope, objectives, expected milestones and deliverables.

The aim is to formulate an action plan that optimally meets your requirements and wishes. Therefore, we pay a lot of attention to refining and detailing the plan of approach.

Our aim is to lay a solid foundation for a successful collaboration in which transparency, communication and your satisfaction are key.

Project assignments

For project assignments, we strive for close cooperation and open communication with our clients. This means that we schedule regular feedback moments so that we can respond flexibly to any changes and/or new insights that emerge during the project.

A clear project structure forms the basis of our working method, in which we ensure a clear division of roles and tasks for all parties involved.

Internally, we highly value knowledge sharing and the exchange of experiences between our team members. We therefore regularly coordinate our projects and evaluate our processes to continuously learn and improve. This internal feedback loop enables us to recognise and exploit best practices.

Budget management

We are committed to strict budget monitoring. We carefully monitor expenditure and inform the client in good time if an overrun is imminent, so that adjustments can be made if necessary.


Good, open communication is the foundation of collaboration with our clients. Whether discussing project details, addressing any concerns or celebrating successes, we are always ready to communicate and work together for the best results. Active communication is a prerequisite for mutual understanding and trust.

Result driven

We aim for result-oriented collaborations where the focus is on achieving concrete objectives. This means that we focus efforts not only on achieving results but also on ensuring the successful execution of the agreed work. Here, mutual commitment is essential.

Marty de Graaf and Niels van Berkum

Please contact us for more information